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Viviant Healthcare Of Shelbyville

1101 Glen Oaks Road, Shelbyville, TN 37160

Nursing Home
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For Pricing & Availability

(800) 780-8101

To Reach a Resident

(931) 684-8340

Estimated Pricing

Price Comparison

  • Average City Price: $7,636
  • Average State Price: $7,131
  • Average National Price: $7,508

  • Viviant Healthcare Of Shelbyville Description

    Viviant Healthcare Of Shelbyville is a community that offers nursing care and is located in the town of Shelbyville, Tennessee. Residents who live at the facility are able to choose from a range of room layouts.

    The community has an average rating of 7.6 out of 10 making it the 3rd highest rated community in the city out of 4 communities. See more information on reviews.

    The Nursing Home at this community has a 1 star rating out of 5 stars from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. To see more information from CMS you can check out the report here.

    To find information about the surrounding area including weather, crime, health facilities, parks, and more you can explore the neighborhood here.

    For pricing & availability call (800) 780-8101

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    Care Types at Community

    This community offers the following types of care

    Nursing Home

    Nursing Homes provide a nurturing environment offering round-the-clock care, personalized support, and community activities for seniors needing assistance with daily living.

    View other Nursing Home communities in Shelbyville

    Community Reviews

    Viviant Healthcare Of Shelbyville
    Based on My Caring Plan's proprietary scoring, including 18 reviews across the web


  • Ranking in City: 3 out of 4 communities in Shelbyville
  • Ranking in State: 543 out of 701 communities in TN

  • Review Summary

    The following is an AI generated summary of the reviews of the community from across the web.

    Positive Reviews:

    • One reviewer highlighted exceptional care received by their mother-in-law at Glen Oaks, noting it as their preferred choice due to the quality of care.
    • An employee expressed enjoyment in working at the facility.

    Negative Reviews:

    • A friend of a resident reported a severe incident involving a fall that resulted in significant injuries, questioning the safety measures in place.
    • Concerns were raised about the level of care, with one reviewer noting poor hygiene management for their mother and a lack of attention from the staff.
    • An ex-employee described the work environment as stressful and poorly managed, with issues in communication and unrealistic workload expectations.

    Mixed Reviews:

    • Some reviews contained unclear or incomplete feedback, making it difficult to ascertain the overall sentiment.


    Kimberly F
    Oct. 15, 2022 My Caring Plan Icon

    I would give a Negative 10 ⭐️ if I could. This is the Most HORRIFIC place I’ve ever seen!! 1st night my mom came in they didn’t give her her routine meds, or pain meds after having major surgery. She rang the buzzer, which I think is ALWAYS turned off, except for a light in the hall. She was ignored all night While she lay in pain and literally screaming for HELP ALL night. They cut the hall lights out and cont’d to ignore her. She even threw something in the hall to try to get attention & she watched the nurses step over it & keep walking. Where did those at least 2, if not 3, doses of pain meds go!? I’m not so sure if she’s getting any of her “actual” pain meds. I think it’s being kept out by some (especially night shift) and she’s given something else in its place. I was assured by asst director that she personally input ALL the info into system the day before, prior to her leaving. So I was lied to by someone! For 3 nights in a row they “forgot” to feed her dinner. When we informed them, they finally, at 8 pm-ish, brought her leftover hash browns from breakfast, something white, and a roll, all cold. ALL the meals were Disgusting, cold, imbalanced meals. At one point, she was given something that was supposed to have been water & it had a dirty residue & tasted like dirty toilet water. After the help light is pushed it can stay on for an hour+ @ times. I finally got her a cell phone & She called me MANY Times crying and being ignored! One night she called me crying in pain so badly one night I had to leave home to go take care of her because NOBODY would respond to help her and NOBODY would answer the phones after repeatedly trying to call. This particular night her nurses name was Mary. I had witnessed her being a smarta$$ to her earlier in the evening prior to this call and then she told me she got smart with her again later in the night, as well as her getting smart with me again later. The night crew are very Lax. She was there a week before a dr even came in to check on her & then he still didn’t check her wound, her severely bruised & swollen foot & leg, nor the bed sores she’s recently gotten since being there. Two of the nurses put her on a bed pan & left her on it until 20 minutes later a very nice nurse who was working in the kitchen saw her light and came to help her. Mom had poop crusted on her where she was the only nurse who cleaned her while being here thus far. Her Blood Sugar wasn’t Being Checked regularly. Nurses didn’t want to help her to bathroom so they would want to put an adult diaper on her and let her sit in it causing her to get bed sores. It took 4 days for someone to hand wash her. Physical Therapy was supposed to have seen her Saturday didn’t show up. Then was told they’d see her Sunday and didn’t show up. There was a nice, outstanding nurse, Clarice Starnes, who helped her off bed pan after being left by 2 other nurses for 20 minutes. She cleaned her well after using bathroom where she had poop crusted to her butt. She had to spray her butt directly and let it soak to get poop off where she hadn’t been cleaned in days. My brother was outside in his vehicle one night while 2 employees were outside smoking a joint and when finished they walked back inside back to work. Getting In The Door is unreal! One night I waited for about 15 minutes & a resident in wheelchair finally saw me & got help to let me in. My brother had gotten in once by setting alarm off. My nephew was never let in several different occasions & had to leave. My niece had to call to get somebody to let her In (which is surprising they answered phone). Another occasion, my brother & I got in because a cop called to get let in. An employee was outside fussing & arguing with partner about their child. Law enforcement was called. There was an occurrence where they Didn’t chart pain meds. Her Floor wouldn’t swept 🧹 or mopped or trash emptied for 3 days. I witnessed other patients scream for help & they’re ignored as well. It’s so sad that these residents are having to endure this miserable treatment & abuse. Especially for the residents who can’t speak at all &/or those who don’t have family to be their voices. Off hand, I can count maybe 2 nurses that were totally competent. If they don’t want to do their jobs & fulfill their oath then they should find a different career. There needs to be someone RESPONSIBLE in charge @ ALL times making sure these patients are being properly cared for!! Let’s just say I finally got her transferred out of that Despicable Nursing Home of Horrors!!! May God watch over the rest of the patients in that Hell Hole!!

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    Information from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

    Nursing Home Ratings

    Overall rating: 1
    Health inspection rating: 1
    Staffing rating: None
    Quality measure rating: 3
    Long-term quality measure rating: 2
    Short-term quality measure rating: 3

    Nursing Home Overview

    Participation date: Oct. 6, 1989
    Ownership type: For Profit
    Provider type: Medicare and Medicaid
    Nursing home capacity: 130
    Total current residents: None
    Facility is located in a hospital: No
    Automatic sprinkler system: Yes
    Resident and family council: Resident

    Facility Incident, Complaints and Fines

    Number of facility incidents: 0
    Number of substantiated complaints: 9
    Number of payment denials: 0
    Number of fines: 6
    Total cost of fines: $130469

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services give each Nursing Home a Star Rating from 1-5 with 5 being the highest.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services gather information about the number of hours of care provided on average to each resident each day by staff as well as the turnover of staff.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services tracks information around emergency department and hospital visits for residents of Nursing Homes.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services tracks information around quality measures for residents of Nursing Homes.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services tracks information around COVID-19 vaccination rates of Nursing Home residents and staff members.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    Health and Fire Safety Deficiencies

    The Center for Medicare and Medicaid report health and fire safety deficiencies. Some of these deficiencies are more severe than others. The following table shows different levels of severity.

    Severity of Deficiency Isolated Pattern Widespread
    Immediate jeopardy to resident health or safety J K L
    Actual harm that is not immediate jeopardy G H I
    No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm that is not immediate jeopardy D E F
    No actual harm with potential for minimal harm A B C

    Fire Safety Deficiencies

    Survey Date Correction Date Letter Category Description
    2022-05-22 2022-06-24 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Develop and maintain an Emergency Preparedness Program (EP).
    2022-05-22 2022-06-24 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Create arrangements with other facilities to receive patients.
    2019-05-13 2019-06-30 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Conduct risk assessment and an All-Hazards approach.
    2019-05-13 2019-06-30 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Address subsistence needs for staff and patients.
    2019-05-13 2019-06-30 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Establish policies and procedures including evacuation.
    2019-05-13 2019-06-30 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Establish policies and procedures for sheltering.
    2019-05-13 2019-06-30 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Establish policies and procedures for volunteers.
    2019-05-13 2019-06-30 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Create arrangements with other facilities to receive patients.
    2019-05-13 2019-06-30 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies List the names and contact information of those in the facility.
    2019-05-13 2019-06-30 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Provide family notifications of emergency plan.
    2019-05-13 2019-06-30 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Establish emergency prep training and testing.
    2019-05-13 2019-06-30 D Smoke Deficiencies Inspect, test, and maintain automatic sprinkler systems.
    2019-05-13 2019-06-30 D Miscellaneous Deficiencies To conduct inspection, testing and maintenance of fire doors by qualified individuals.
    2019-05-13 2019-06-30 D Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies Ensure that testing and maintenance of electrical equipment is performed.
    2018-08-20 2018-09-17 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Conduct risk assessment and an All-Hazards approach.
    2018-08-20 2018-09-21 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Address subsistence needs for staff and patients.
    2018-08-20 2018-09-27 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Establish policies and procedures including evacuation.
    2018-08-20 2018-09-21 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Provide primary/alternate means for communication.
    2018-08-20 2018-09-27 D Egress Deficiencies Have ramps, exits, fire escape ladders, steps, and areas of refuge that meet safety requirements.
    2018-08-20 2018-09-27 E Egress Deficiencies Have corridors or aisles that are unobstructed and are at least 8 feet in width.
    2018-08-20 2018-09-19 D Egress Deficiencies Install emergency lighting that can last at least 1 1/2 hours.
    2018-08-20 2018-09-06 D Miscellaneous Deficiencies To conduct inspection, testing and maintenance of fire doors by qualified individuals.
    2018-08-20 2018-08-21 D Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies Have generator or other power source capable of supplying service within 10 seconds.
    2018-08-20 2018-09-27 D Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies Ensure proper usage of power strips and extension cords.
    2018-08-20 2018-08-20 D Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies Have proper medical gas storage and administration areas.


    Fine Date Fine Amount
    2020-06-08 $655
    2020-06-15 $983
    2021-01-18 $1,300
    2021-02-01 $1,638
    2021-05-20 $85,368
    2021-05-20 $86,551
    2022-01-19 $18,880
    2022-01-19 $19,028
    2022-05-24 $10,220
    2022-05-24 $11,733
    2022-05-24 $9,750

    What is in the Neighborhood

    General Area Overview
    • The closest city is Shelbyville which is 1.4 miles away and has a population of 21,317 (small town).
    • The average income is $51,020, which is low compared to other zip codes.
    • Weather
      • High Temperature: 80
      • Low Temperature: 41
      • Average Temperature: 61.9
      • Day Breakdown: The area gets 185 days of rain, 7 days of snow and 172 days of sun
      • Precipitation: 3.0 inches a year

    Health and Safety Overview
    • The crime rate is 7.26 per 100 people which is very high compared to other cities.
      • Violent Crime: 2.34 incidents per 100 people
      • Property Crime: 2.73 incidents per 100 people
      • Drug-Related Crime: 1.37 incidents per 100 people
    • The average life expectancy in zip code is 76.33 years old, which is low compared to other zip codes.


    Walmart Supercenter
    0.9 miles away
    Phillips General Store
    8.1 miles away
    14.2 miles away
    14.4 miles away
    16.2 miles away

    None Found

    Bus Stations

    Bus Stop
    24.3 miles away


    Ascend Federal Credit Union
    1.0 miles away
    First State Bank
    16.3 miles away
    First Horizon
    19.5 miles away
    Regions Bank
    20.0 miles away
    Fifth Third Bank
    20.1 miles away


    Tennova Healthcare - Shelbyville
    4.2 miles away
    Tennova Healthcare - Harton
    14.6 miles away
    Marshall Medical Center
    19.1 miles away
    Unity Medical Center
    20.8 miles away
    Ascension Medical Group - St Thomas
    21.3 miles away


    16.0 miles away
    Health Mart
    19.7 miles away
    Rite Aid
    21.3 miles away
    CVS Pharmacy
    21.6 miles away


    Rivers Dental Care
    20.1 miles away
    Salem Creek Fanily Dental
    21.5 miles away
    Bishop Dental Office
    23.1 miles away
    Children's Dentistry and Orthodontics
    23.8 miles away
    Stonegate Family Dentistry
    24.1 miles away


    HV Griffon Park
    0.4 miles away
    East Shelbyville Historic District
    1.0 miles away
    Shelbyville Courthouse Square Historic District
    1.4 miles away
    Fisherman's Park
    1.6 miles away
    NeverRest Park
    2.2 miles away

    None Found


    Stones River Mall
    24.0 miles away
    The Avenue Murfreesboro
    24.4 miles away
    Fountains at Gateway
    24.9 miles away


    Tullahoma Art Center
    16.8 miles away
    South Jackson Civic Center
    16.8 miles away
    Manchester Arts Center
    20.4 miles away
    Patterson Park Community Center
    23.6 miles away
    Church Street Gallery
    24.1 miles away


    Bocelli Pizza and Pasta Shoppe
    1.4 miles away
    Granny Fishes' House
    10.1 miles away
    Millers Grocery
    14.7 miles away
    Las Fiestas
    16.4 miles away
    Spinelli's Pizza
    16.4 miles away

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    Google map of Viviant Healthcare Of Shelbyville


    My Caring Plan is not affiliated with the owner or operator(s) of this facility. The information on this page has not been verified or approved by the owner or operator. The information about this facility has been created to the best of our abilities. If you manage this facility please contact us here to claim this listing.

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