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Shandin Hills Behavior Therapy Center

4164 North 4Th Avenue, San Bernardino, CA 92407

Nursing Home
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For Pricing & Availability

(800) 780-8101

To Reach a Resident

(909) 886-6786

Estimated Pricing

Estimated $6,265

Price Comparison

  • Average City Price: $6,252
  • Average State Price: $7,474
  • Average National Price: $7,508

  • Shandin Hills Behavior Therapy Center Description

    Shandin Hills Behavior Therapy Center is a community that offers nursing care and is about 2.3 miles outside the town of Muscoy, California. Residents who live at the facility are able to choose from a range of studio and semi-private or share or companion room layouts.

    The community has an average rating of 4.5 out of 10 making it the 12th highest rated community in the city out of 13 communities. See more information on reviews.

    The Nursing Home at this community has a 5 star rating out of 5 stars from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. To see more information from CMS you can check out the report here.

    To find information about the surrounding area including weather, crime, health facilities, parks, and more you can explore the neighborhood here.

    For pricing & availability call (800) 780-8101

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    Care Types at Community

    This community offers the following types of care

    Nursing Home

    Nursing Homes provide a nurturing environment offering round-the-clock care, personalized support, and community activities for seniors needing assistance with daily living.

    View other Nursing Home communities in San Bernardino

    Community Reviews

    Shandin Hills Behavior Therapy Center
    Based on My Caring Plan's proprietary scoring, including 11 reviews across the web


  • Ranking in City: 13 out of 15 communities in San Bernardino
  • Ranking in State: 3557 out of 3640 communities in CA

  • Review Summary

    The following is an AI generated summary of the reviews of the community from across the web.

    Review Summary:

    • Several reviews describe the facility as a poor environment for individuals, especially children, with mental illness, citing disrespectful staff, inappropriate use of restraints and medication, and a lack of properly trained personnel.
    • Concerns about the facility's cleanliness and safety were raised, including malfunctioning doors during power outages, limited activities for residents, and the use of cans as ashtrays.
    • One review mentions a lack of information about reunions and expresses a desire to reconnect with a staff member, indicating some positive personal interactions despite overall negative feedback.
    • Discrepancies between promotional pictures and the actual state of the facility were noted, alongside reports of residents being treated poorly by some employees.
    • Reports of negligence leading to severe and irreversible incidents were mentioned, highlighting concerns about the professional and ethical standards of the staff.
    • Personal experiences shared include traumatic memories, inadequate facilities such as limited showers and poor quality food, and a comparison of the living conditions to those worse than an animal shelter.

    Overall, the reviews paint a concerning picture of the facility's treatment of residents, particularly those with mental health issues, and raise serious questions about its management and care standards.


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    Information from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

    Nursing Home Ratings

    Overall rating: 5
    Health inspection rating: 4
    Staffing rating: 2
    Quality measure rating: 5
    Long-term quality measure rating: 5

    Nursing Home Overview

    Participation date: July 1, 1974
    Ownership type: For Profit
    Provider type: Medicaid
    Nursing home capacity: 78
    Total current residents: 78
    Facility is located in a hospital: No
    Automatic sprinkler system: Yes
    Resident and family council: Resident

    Facility Incident, Complaints and Fines

    Number of facility incidents: 3
    Number of substantiated complaints: 1
    Number of payment denials: 0
    Number of fines: 0
    Total cost of fines: $0

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services give each Nursing Home a Star Rating from 1-5 with 5 being the highest.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services gather information about the number of hours of care provided on average to each resident each day by staff as well as the turnover of staff.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services tracks information around emergency department and hospital visits for residents of Nursing Homes.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services tracks information around quality measures for residents of Nursing Homes.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services tracks information around COVID-19 vaccination rates of Nursing Home residents and staff members.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    Health and Fire Safety Deficiencies

    The Center for Medicare and Medicaid report health and fire safety deficiencies. Some of these deficiencies are more severe than others. The following table shows different levels of severity.

    Severity of Deficiency Isolated Pattern Widespread
    Immediate jeopardy to resident health or safety J K L
    Actual harm that is not immediate jeopardy G H I
    No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm that is not immediate jeopardy D E F
    No actual harm with potential for minimal harm A B C

    Fire Safety Deficiencies

    Survey Date Correction Date Letter Category Description
    2022-11-30 2022-12-13 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Conduct testing and exercise requirements.
    2022-11-30 2022-12-13 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Implement emergency and standby power systems.
    2022-11-30 2022-12-13 D Construction Deficiencies Use approved construction type or materials.
    2022-11-30 2022-12-13 D Smoke Deficiencies Have a fire alarm with audible and visual signals that transmits the alarm automatically to notify emergency forces in event of fire.
    2022-11-30 2022-12-13 D Smoke Deficiencies Have approved installation, maintenance and testing program for fire alarm systems.
    2022-11-30 2022-12-13 D Smoke Deficiencies Inspect, test, and maintain automatic sprinkler systems.
    2022-11-30 2022-12-13 D Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies Have generator or other power source capable of supplying service within 10 seconds.
    2022-11-30 2022-12-13 D Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies Ensure proper usage of power strips and extension cords.
    2019-09-24 2019-10-08 D Emergency Preparedness Deficiencies Address subsistence needs for staff and patients.
    2019-09-24 2019-10-08 D Egress Deficiencies Have properly located and lighted "Exit" signs.
    2019-09-24 2019-10-08 D Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies Have generator or other power source capable of supplying service within 10 seconds.
    2020-10-30 2020-11-12 D Smoke Deficiencies Follow proper procedures when the fire alarm was out of service for more than 4 hours.
    2020-10-30 2020-11-12 D Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies Have generator or other power source capable of supplying service within 10 seconds.

    Health Safety Deficiencies

    Survey Date Correction Date Letter Category Description
    2023-03-30 2023-05-18 G Quality of Life and Care Deficiencies Ensure that a nursing home area is free from accident hazards and provides adequate supervision to prevent accidents.
    2023-02-15 2023-03-03 D Freedom from Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation Deficiencies Protect each resident from all types of abuse such as physical, mental, sexual abuse, physical punishment, and neglect by anybody.
    2022-11-03 2022-12-05 E Quality of Life and Care Deficiencies Ensure the activities program is directed by a qualified professional.
    2022-11-18 2022-12-15 D Pharmacy Service Deficiencies Ensure drugs and biologicals used in the facility are labeled in accordance with currently accepted professional principles; and all drugs and biologicals must be stored in locked compartments, separately locked, compartments for controlled drugs.
    2022-11-18 2022-12-15 E Nutrition and Dietary Deficiencies Procure food from sources approved or considered satisfactory and store, prepare, distribute and serve food in accordance with professional standards.
    2022-11-18 2022-12-15 D Infection Control Deficiencies Provide and implement an infection prevention and control program.
    2022-11-18 2022-12-15 B Environmental Deficiencies Provide rooms that are at least 80 square feet per resident in multiple rooms and 100 square feet for single resident rooms.
    2022-11-18 2022-12-15 E Environmental Deficiencies Make sure that the nursing home area is safe, easy to use, clean and comfortable for residents, staff and the public.
    2019-09-06 2019-10-03 E Resident Assessment and Care Planning Deficiencies Ensure each resident receives an accurate assessment.
    2019-09-06 2019-10-03 D Resident Assessment and Care Planning Deficiencies PASARR screening for Mental disorders or Intellectual Disabilities
    2019-09-06 2019-10-03 D Pharmacy Service Deficiencies Ensure drugs and biologicals used in the facility are labeled in accordance with currently accepted professional principles; and all drugs and biologicals must be stored in locked compartments, separately locked, compartments for controlled drugs.
    2019-09-06 2019-10-03 F Nutrition and Dietary Deficiencies Employ sufficient staff with the appropriate competencies and skills sets to carry out the functions of the food and nutrition service, including a qualified dietician.
    2019-09-06 2019-10-03 E Nutrition and Dietary Deficiencies Provide sufficient support personnel to safely and effectively carry out the functions of the food and nutrition service.
    2019-09-06 2019-10-03 E Nutrition and Dietary Deficiencies Ensure menus must meet the nutritional needs of residents, be prepared in advance, be followed, be updated, be reviewed by dietician, and meet the needs of the resident.
    2019-09-06 2019-10-03 F Nutrition and Dietary Deficiencies Procure food from sources approved or considered satisfactory and store, prepare, distribute and serve food in accordance with professional standards.
    2019-09-06 2019-10-03 B Environmental Deficiencies Provide rooms that are at least 80 square feet per resident in multiple rooms and 100 square feet for single resident rooms.
    2020-11-19 2020-12-07 E Infection Control Deficiencies Provide and implement an infection prevention and control program.
    2018-09-07 2018-10-08 D Resident Rights Deficiencies Post a list of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all pertinent State agencies and advocacy groups and a statement that the resident may file a complaint with the State Survey Agency.
    2018-09-07 2018-10-08 D Resident Rights Deficiencies Allow residents to easily view the nursing home's survey results and communicate with advocate agencies.
    2018-09-07 2018-10-08 D Resident Assessment and Care Planning Deficiencies PASARR screening for Mental disorders or Intellectual Disabilities
    2018-09-07 2018-10-08 D Pharmacy Service Deficiencies Ensure drugs and biologicals used in the facility are labeled in accordance with currently accepted professional principles; and all drugs and biologicals must be stored in locked compartments, separately locked, compartments for controlled drugs.
    2018-09-07 2018-10-08 E Nutrition and Dietary Deficiencies Procure food from sources approved or considered satisfactory and store, prepare, distribute and serve food in accordance with professional standards.
    2018-09-07 2018-10-08 E Resident Assessment and Care Planning Deficiencies Safeguard resident-identifiable information and/or maintain medical records on each resident that are in accordance with accepted professional standards.
    2018-09-07 2018-10-08 D Infection Control Deficiencies Provide and implement an infection prevention and control program.
    2018-09-07 2018-10-08 D Environmental Deficiencies Keep all essential equipment working safely.
    2018-09-07 2018-10-08 B Environmental Deficiencies Provide rooms that are at least 80 square feet per resident in multiple rooms and 100 square feet for single resident rooms.
    2018-09-07 2018-10-08 F Environmental Deficiencies Make sure that a working call system is available in each resident's bathroom and bathing area.


    Fine Date Fine Amount
    2020-06-08 $650

    What is in the Neighborhood

    General Area Overview
    • The closest city is Muscoy which is 2.3 miles away and has a population of 10,644 (small town).
    • The average income is $52,499, which is low compared to other zip codes.
    • Weather
      • High Temperature: 87
      • Low Temperature: 56
      • Average Temperature: 71.1
      • Day Breakdown: The area gets 40 days of rain and 324 days of sun
      • Precipitation: 0.3 inches a year

    Demographic Overview
    • The median age is 28.5 years old, very low compared to other cities.
    • 3.58% of the population are Veterans which is a low percentage of Veterans compared to other cities.
    • 25.51% of the population are Foreign-born which is a high percentage of Foreign-born compared to other cities.
    • The population is 1% American Indian and Alaska Native, 4% Asian, 11% Black or African-American, 43% Hispanic or Latino, and 39% White.

    Health and Safety Overview
    • The average life expectancy in zip code is 78.17 years old, which is average compared to other zip codes.
    • Air Quality: Good Days 27.0, Moderate Days 121.0, Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups Days 41.0, Unhealthy Days 20.0, Very Unhealthy Days 2.0, Hazardous Days 0.0

    Click the button above to explore the neighborhood


    1.4 miles away
    Walmart Neighborhood Market
    1.5 miles away
    El Super
    3.3 miles away
    Jimmy's Food Store
    3.4 miles away
    Mother's Nutritional Center
    3.5 miles away


    San Bernardino Depot
    4.6 miles away
    San Bernardino Transit Center
    4.9 miles away

    Bus Stations

    Cal State University San Bernardino Main Campus
    1.1 miles away
    3.2 miles away
    FlixBus San Bernardino
    4.7 miles away


    Bank of America
    4.5 miles away
    4.6 miles away
    Wells Fargo
    4.6 miles away
    Arrowhead Credit Union - Crestline Branch
    5.3 miles away
    Thinkwise Credit Union
    5.5 miles away


    Community Hospital of San Bernardino
    2.6 miles away
    Ballard Rehabilitation Hospital
    2.9 miles away
    Saint Bernardine Medical Center
    3.0 miles away
    Patton State Hospital
    5.2 miles away
    Arrowhead Regional Medical Center
    6.8 miles away


    3.4 miles away
    Don's Drugs - Good Neighbor Pharmacy
    4.2 miles away
    CVS Pharmacy
    6.7 miles away
    Rite Aid
    7.7 miles away
    Pharmacy of the Woods
    8.8 miles away


    Loma Linda Univ Dentistry & Orthodontics
    7.4 miles away
    Sierra Pkwy Dental Care
    7.5 miles away
    Sierra Foothill Dentistry
    8.3 miles away
    Luna Family Dental
    8.4 miles away
    Sky Family Dental
    8.5 miles away


    Hudson Park
    0.8 miles away
    Newberry Park
    1.2 miles away
    Blair Park
    1.2 miles away
    Harper Field
    1.2 miles away
    Tom Gould Park
    1.3 miles away

    None Found


    Carousel Mall
    4.5 miles away
    Inland Center
    5.8 miles away
    Victoria Gardens
    13.1 miles away
    Ontario Mills
    15.2 miles away
    Moreno Valley Mall
    16.0 miles away


    Sturges Center For The Fine Arts
    4.0 miles away
    Fox Theater
    4.6 miles away
    Greek Theatre
    5.7 miles away
    Glen Helen Amphitheater
    5.8 miles away
    Community Playhouse
    7.2 miles away


    Dickey's Barbecue Pit
    1.2 miles away
    1.3 miles away
    Don Martin
    1.5 miles away
    3.2 miles away
    Little Beijing - Chinese Fast Food
    3.4 miles away

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    Google map of Shandin Hills Behavior Therapy Center


    My Caring Plan is not affiliated with the owner or operator(s) of this facility. The information on this page has not been verified or approved by the owner or operator. The information about this facility has been created to the best of our abilities. If you manage this facility please contact us here to claim this listing.

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    By clicking "Get Exact Costs" you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. You also consent to receive texts and calls, which may be autodialed, from us and our partner providers; however, your consent is not a condition to using our service.

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