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Fort Washington Health Center

12021 Livingston Rd, Fort Washington, MD 20744

Memory Care Nursing Home Respite Care Skilled Nursing Rehabilitation
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For Pricing & Availability

(800) 780-8101

To Reach a Resident

(301) 292-0300

Estimated Pricing

Estimated $8,728

Price Comparison

  • Average City Price: $8,722
  • Average State Price: $7,818
  • Average National Price: $5,673

  • Fort Washington Health Center Description

    Fort Washington Health Center is a community that offers memory care, nursing care, respite care, skilled nursing and rehabilitation and is about 2.0 miles outside the small town of Friendly, Maryland and is part of the Communicare Health network of communities. Residents who live at the facility are able to choose from a range of studio room layouts.

    The community has an average rating of 4.7 out of 10 making it the 5th highest rated community in the city out of 5 communities. See more information on reviews.

    The Nursing Home at this community has a 3 star rating out of 5 stars from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. To see more information from CMS you can check out the report here.

    To find information about the surrounding area including weather, crime, health facilities, parks, and more you can explore the neighborhood here.

    For pricing & availability call (800) 780-8101

    Find a Senior Community that Best Fits Your Needs

    Care Types at Community

    This community offers the following types of care

    Memory Care

    Memory care offers specialized support for seniors with Alzheimer's and dementia, focusing on safety, personalized care, and enhancing life quality.

    View other Memory Care communities in Fort Washington

    Nursing Home

    Nursing Homes provide a nurturing environment offering round-the-clock care, personalized support, and community activities for seniors needing assistance with daily living.

    View other Nursing Home communities in Fort Washington

    Skilled Nursing

    Skilled nursing provides 24/7 medical care and support by licensed professionals for seniors needing continuous healthcare assistance.

    View other Skilled Nursing communities in Fort Washington

    Community Reviews

    Fort Washington Health Center
    Based on My Caring Plan's proprietary scoring, including 61 reviews across the web


  • Ranking in City: 5 out of 5 communities in Fort Washington
  • Ranking in State: 698 out of 721 communities in MD
  • Food and Dining F

    Facility and Grounds B

    Care B

    Staff B

    Cleanliness A

    Employee Reviews

    Communicare Health
    Based on My Caring Plan's proprietary scoring, including 917 reviews across the web

    The following insights are from employees that work in Maryland

    Employee Pay B

    Employee Staff C

    Employee Culture C

    Review Summary

    The following is an AI generated summary of the reviews of the community from across the web.

    Summary of Reviews:

    • Several reviews express deep dissatisfaction with the care provided, citing instances of neglect, poor communication with families, and concerns over medication management and treatment of bed sores.
    • Some reviewers allege their loved ones experienced worsened health conditions due to the facility's lack of attention and care, including cases where individuals were reportedly left unattended, leading to falls and hospitalizations.
    • Concerns were raised about the professionalism and compassion of the staff, with some describing interactions as unprofessional, rude, and lacking in empathy.
    • There are mentions of the facility's environment, with one review noting it does not smell and praises the spacious private rooms, while another criticizes the odors and cold food.
    • A few positive comments highlight the kindness and helpfulness of some staff members, as well as satisfactory experiences with the administration and certain care aspects.
    • However, the overwhelming majority of feedback is negative, with reviewers advising against choosing this facility for loved ones, citing issues of neglect, inadequate care, and overall dissatisfaction with the services provided.


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    Central Lines/Peripheral

    Antibiotic Therapy

    Out-Patient Dialysis

    Licensed Wound Care Physician

    Gastronomy Care


    Home Assessments

    Community Re-Entry Assistance

    Specialized Unit For Those Returning Home After Their Rehab Stay


    Holiday Celebrations


    Rehabilitation Services

    Exercise Classes


    Recreational Therapy Activities

    Community Amenities

    Beauty Salon / Barber Shop

    Laundry Service

    Cutting-edge Rehabilitation Gym

    Fully Functional Occupational Therapy Kitchen

    Room Amenities


    Upscale Décor

    Bariatric Specialty Equipment



    Restaurant-Style Dining

    Dietary & Nutritional Services

    Alternative Meal Choices

    Daily Specials


    Transportation Service

    Information from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

    Nursing Home Ratings

    Overall rating: 3
    Health inspection rating: 4
    Staffing rating: 1
    Quality measure rating: 4
    Long-term quality measure rating: 3
    Short-term quality measure rating: 5

    Nursing Home Overview

    Participation date: June 1, 1983
    Ownership type: For Profit
    Provider type: Medicare and Medicaid
    Nursing home capacity: 150
    Total current residents: 144
    Facility is located in a hospital: No
    Automatic sprinkler system: Yes
    Resident and family council: Both

    Facility Incident, Complaints and Fines

    Number of facility incidents: 0
    Number of substantiated complaints: 1
    Number of payment denials: 0
    Number of fines: 0
    Total cost of fines: $0

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services give each Nursing Home a Star Rating from 1-5 with 5 being the highest.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services gather information about the number of hours of care provided on average to each resident each day by staff as well as the turnover of staff.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services tracks information around emergency department and hospital visits for residents of Nursing Homes.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services tracks information around quality measures for residents of Nursing Homes.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services tracks information around COVID-19 vaccination rates of Nursing Home residents and staff members.

    The graph below shows information from this Nursing Home as well as State and National averages over time.

    Use the dropdown below to view each data point

    Health and Fire Safety Deficiencies

    The Center for Medicare and Medicaid report health and fire safety deficiencies. Some of these deficiencies are more severe than others. The following table shows different levels of severity.

    Severity of Deficiency Isolated Pattern Widespread
    Immediate jeopardy to resident health or safety J K L
    Actual harm that is not immediate jeopardy G H I
    No actual harm with potential for more than minimal harm that is not immediate jeopardy D E F
    No actual harm with potential for minimal harm A B C

    Fire Safety Deficiencies

    Survey Date Correction Date Letter Category Description
    2019-04-16 2019-05-31 C Smoke Deficiencies Inspect, test, and maintain automatic sprinkler systems.
    2019-04-16 2019-05-31 D Services Deficiencies Have an externally vented heating system.
    2019-04-16 2019-05-31 D Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies Meet requirements for the installation and maintenance of electrical systems.
    2019-04-16 2019-05-31 C Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies Have a battery powered remote alarm panel in a location accessible by operating personnel.
    2019-04-16 2019-05-31 C Gas, Vacuum, and Electrical Systems Deficiencies Have proper medical gas storage and administration areas.
    2016-09-21 2016-11-30 D Hazardous Area Deficiencies Special areas constructed so that walls can resist fire for one hour or an approved fire extinguishing system.
    2016-09-21 2016-11-30 F Automatic Sprinkler Systems Deficiencies An approved automatic sprinkler system connected to the fire alarm system.
    2016-09-21 2016-11-30 F Automatic Sprinkler Systems Deficiencies Automatic sprinkler systems that have been maintained in working order.
    2016-09-21 2016-11-30 F Miscellaneous Deficiencies Have other fire safety features required by fire safety codes.

    Health Safety Deficiencies

    Survey Date Correction Date Letter Category Description
    2019-04-17 2019-06-01 D Resident Rights Deficiencies Not transfer or discharge a resident without an adequate reason; and must provide documentation and convey specific information when a resident is transferred or discharged.
    2019-04-17 2019-06-01 D Resident Rights Deficiencies Provide timely notification to the resident, and if applicable to the resident representative and ombudsman, before transfer or discharge, including appeal rights.
    2019-04-17 2019-06-01 D Resident Rights Deficiencies Notify the resident or the resident’s representative in writing how long the nursing home will hold the resident’s bed in cases of transfer to a hospital or therapeutic leave.
    2019-04-17 2019-06-01 D Pharmacy Service Deficiencies Provide pharmaceutical services to meet the needs of each resident and employ or obtain the services of a licensed pharmacist.
    2019-04-17 2019-06-01 D Infection Control Deficiencies Provide and implement an infection prevention and control program.
    2017-11-17 2017-12-21 D Pharmacy Service Deficiencies Maintain drug records and properly mark/label drugs and other similar products according to accepted professional standards.
    2017-11-17 2017-12-21 E Environmental Deficiencies Have a program that investigates, controls and keeps infection from spreading.
    2017-11-17 2017-12-21 B Administration Deficiencies Have policies and procedures ensuring the administrator's responsibilities for facility closure are completed successfully.
    2021-02-10 2021-03-06 D Resident Assessment and Care Planning Deficiencies Develop and implement a complete care plan that meets all the resident's needs, with timetables and actions that can be measured.
    2021-02-10 2021-03-06 D Pharmacy Service Deficiencies Ensure drugs and biologicals used in the facility are labeled in accordance with currently accepted professional principles; and all drugs and biologicals must be stored in locked compartments, separately locked, compartments for controlled drugs.
    2021-02-10 2021-03-06 D Resident Assessment and Care Planning Deficiencies Safeguard resident-identifiable information and/or maintain medical records on each resident that are in accordance with accepted professional standards.
    2021-02-10 2021-03-06 E Infection Control Deficiencies Provide and implement an infection prevention and control program.
    2021-02-10 2021-03-06 E Infection Control Deficiencies Report COVID19 data to residents and families.
    2021-05-10 2021-06-20 D Quality of Life and Care Deficiencies Provide appropriate pressure ulcer care and prevent new ulcers from developing.
    2021-05-10 2021-06-20 E Nursing and Physician Services Deficiencies Ensure the resident's doctor reviews the resident's care, writes, signs and dates progress notes and orders, at each required visit.
    2021-05-10 2021-06-20 D Resident Assessment and Care Planning Deficiencies Safeguard resident-identifiable information and/or maintain medical records on each resident that are in accordance with accepted professional standards.
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Resident Rights Deficiencies Immediately tell the resident, the resident's doctor, and a family member of situations (injury/decline/room, etc.) that affect the resident.
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Resident Rights Deficiencies Provide care for residents in a way that maintains or improves their dignity and respect in full recognition of their individuality.
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Resident Rights Deficiencies Ensure residents have the right to have a choice over activities, their schedules, and health care according to their interests, assessments, and plans of care.
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Resident Assessment and Care Planning Deficiencies Develop a complete care plan that meets all the resident's needs, with timetables and actions that can be measured.
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Quality of Life and Care Deficiencies Provide necessary care and services to maintain or improve the highest well being of each resident .
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Quality of Life and Care Deficiencies Ensure that each resident who enters the nursing home without a catheter is not given a catheter, unless medically necessary, and that incontinent patients receive proper services to prevent urinary tract infections and restore normal bladder functions.
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Pharmacy Service Deficiencies Ensure that each resident's 1) entire drug/medication regimen is free from unnecessary drugs; and 2) is managed and monitored to achieve highest level of well-being.
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Pharmacy Service Deficiencies Keep the rate of medication errors (wrong drug, wrong dose, wrong time) to less than 5%.
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Pharmacy Service Deficiencies Provide routine and emergency drugs through a licensed pharmacist and only under the general supervision of a licensed nurse.
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Pharmacy Service Deficiencies At least once a month, have a licensed pharmacist review each resident's medication(s) and report any irregularities to the attending doctor.
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Pharmacy Service Deficiencies Maintain drug records and properly mark/label drugs and other similar products according to accepted professional standards.
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Environmental Deficiencies Have a program that investigates, controls and keeps infection from spreading.
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Administration Deficiencies Give or get quality laboratory services/tests in a timely manner to meet the needs of residents.
    2016-09-30 2016-11-14 D Administration Deficiencies Keep accurate, complete and organized clinical records on each resident that meet professional standards.

    What is in the Neighborhood

    General Area Overview
    • The closest city is Friendly which is 2.0 miles away and has a population of 9,250 (very small town).
    • The average income is $68,701, which is high compared to other zip codes.
    • Weather
      • High Temperature: 84
      • Low Temperature: 37
      • Average Temperature: 61.4
      • Day Breakdown: The area gets 151 days of rain, 13 days of snow and 200 days of sun
      • Precipitation: 2.4 inches a year


    0.2 miles away
    2.3 miles away
    3.8 miles away
    Potomac Gourmet Market
    4.4 miles away
    5.4 miles away


    Gaylord National Ferry Landing
    4.3 miles away
    National Harbor Ferry Landing
    4.5 miles away
    Mt Vernon Ferry Landing
    5.5 miles away

    Bus Stations

    Old Fort Rd and Indian Head Hwy 210 Fort Washinton Forest
    0.8 miles away
    Accokeek Park & Ride (MD 210 & MD 373)
    3.9 miles away
    Saint George Boulevard & Waterfront Street
    4.2 miles away
    Oxon Hill Road & Harborview Avenue
    5.1 miles away
    Shuttle Stop
    5.4 miles away


    M&T Bank
    0.2 miles away
    Old Line Bank
    0.8 miles away
    Wells Fargo
    3.8 miles away
    Navy Federal Credit Union
    4.6 miles away
    4.7 miles away


    Fort Washington Medical Center
    0.3 miles away
    Inova Mount Vernon Hospital
    4.7 miles away
    MedStar Southern Maryland Hospital Center
    6.2 miles away
    United Medical Center
    7.6 miles away
    Malcolm Grow Medical Clinics and Surgery Center
    7.7 miles away


    CVS Pharmacy
    0.1 miles away
    Rite Aid
    3.8 miles away
    5.3 miles away
    Neighborhood Pharmacy
    7.9 miles away
    Giant Pharmacy
    8.2 miles away


    Swan Creek Dental Care
    0.2 miles away
    Family Dentistry
    2.6 miles away
    Parker-Gray Pediatric Dental Care
    6.7 miles away
    Braddock Dental
    6.8 miles away
    Dentist Ashley S. Nguyen
    6.9 miles away


    Tantallon Park
    0.3 miles away
    Potomac Landing Park
    0.8 miles away
    Franklin Square Park
    0.8 miles away
    Valley View
    1.1 miles away
    Tantallon North
    1.3 miles away

    Places of Worship

    Concordia United Church of Christ and Rectory
    12.3 miles away
    Central Presbyterian Church
    14.3 miles away
    Crossover Church
    16.1 miles away
    Saint Mary of Sorrows Historic Catholic Church
    19.0 miles away


    Alexandria Commons
    7.7 miles away
    Saint Charles Towne Center
    8.0 miles away
    The Shops at Iverson
    8.1 miles away
    Andrews Manor Shopping Center
    8.3 miles away
    Shoppes of Foxchase
    8.9 miles away


    Plaza Entertainment
    4.5 miles away
    Springbank Arts Building
    5.6 miles away
    6.2 miles away
    Torpedo Factory Art Center
    6.2 miles away
    Del Ray Artisans
    8.2 miles away


    Hong Kong
    0.2 miles away
    America's Best Wings
    0.2 miles away
    Ledo Pizza & Pasta
    0.2 miles away
    Silvestre Chicken
    0.3 miles away
    Africaribbean Taste
    0.3 miles away

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    Google map of Fort Washington Health Center


    My Caring Plan is not affiliated with the owner or operator(s) of this facility. The information on this page has not been verified or approved by the owner or operator. The information about this facility has been created to the best of our abilities. If you manage this facility please contact us here to claim this listing.

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